The Metro Rail Corporation has planned to conduct a trial run of five km between Subhash Nagar to Rani Kamalapati Railway Station. Initially the train is expected to run between these stations. The work of laying tracks in one and a half kilometer on this track has been completed Corporation officials say that the work of laying tracks will be completed in July. Work will not be affected by rain. At the same time, he told that the first set of metro coaches being made in Gujarat's Vadodara will reach Bhopal by August. Officials say that the trial run of the metro will be initially five kilometers from Subhash Nagar to Rani Kamalapati railway station. After this, the entire 7.5 km route will be connected till AIIMS.
Mock-up will be kept in Smart City Park Mock up ie dummy of metros is proposed to be kept in Smart City Park. It will reach Bhopal in the month of July.
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