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power of organized mind

__ Nirjala Gupta 
We can remain happy only by being organized in life. In this fickle mind of man, organized feelings and thoughts keep arising which deviate him from his goal and generate unnecessary, useless thoughts. This is common for the youth because their brain There is a greater intensity of distraction and at the same time it is very difficult to organize the mind at this time. Due to this organized mind, many youth are not able to improve their life and go astray from the path. In youth, the person who looks around him He tries to become like what he experiences. There are some youth who change their goals while studying in every class. Sometimes they think of going into the medical field, sometimes into the service sector or some other field. That is, their brain is not organized, that is why they are never able to make a goal. Such people are never able to achieve their goal. It is necessary to have an organized mind. With the power of organized brain, we can conquer this world. We can know that What is this creation? It is true that man can do anything but this is possible only when you are organized and do not pay attention to useless thoughts and have only one goal. To know the power of organized mind, we should concentrate on one goal. All energy must be concentrated so that Along with the development of strength within us, self-confidence will also become stronger.

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