According to traders, tomato prices in May were Rs 3-5 a kg in the chock market and Rs 10-20 a kg in the retail market, but in June it suddenly increased and is now above Rs 100. Tomato prices have tripled in the last week. Due to less supply of tomatoes from Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, tomatoes are coming from Bangalore. The crops have been damaged by the recent rains. Due to this, traders are erecting plants on the basis of wires. The merchants of Delhi are Maharashtra. talking to the farmers of
If there is more rain, the price may remain high. Traders say that the prices will remain high even further, there is no possibility that when the new crop comes, the prices are expected to come down. But if there is excess rain in Himachal Pradesh and other states, the crops may be affected and prices may remain high. According to reports, tomato sowing was down last year as most farmers had switched to beans. Due to higher price of beans as compared to tomatoes, farmers earn well.
the crop was ruined
Traders say that when tomato prices had hit a rock bottom last month, farmers had left their crop in the fields, leading to crop failure and reduced arrivals. Due to low prices, farmers did not spray pesticides or fertilizers on the crops, due to which the production decreased.
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