In this case, 21 thousand 600 rupees were taken from six visitors from Chhattisgarh for Bhasmarti Darshan and Jalabhishek. It was told that the money was taken by Ghanshyam Sharma and Dheeraj Sharma, while the permission for Bhasmarti and Jalabhishek was given by Sonu Parikh and Bhavesh Joshi. It was discussed that Bhasmarti darshan has taken place on the protocol recommendation of Badnagar MLA Murli Morwal. In this case, Morwal says that there has been no recommendation of glut from him or his office. Similarly, through protocol number 82, the protocol for the sanctum sanctorum water abhishek was issued to these visitors in the name of Mayor Mukesh Tatwal. Mayor Tatwal says, he too has not sent the protocol request
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