New Delhi/ The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court gave a strict order on Friday in the case of the recently released film Adipurush. The court ordered the central government to form a 5-member committee of experts to review the film. Two of these members will be scholars of Goswami Tulsidas' Shri Ram Charit Manas and Shrimad Valmiki's Ramayana and other religious epics, so that it can be seen that the story of Lord Rama, Sita ji, Hanuman ji and Ravana etc. shown in the film is based on these great religious texts. as shown or not.
The court said that along with this, the committee should also see whether the goddess Sita and Vibhishana's wife have not been shown in the film in a low level or obscene character, which is under the guidelines of the censor board or not. Some pictures of Vibhishan's wife look obscene in the scenes done. The court said that this committee should be formed within a week. After this, the Central Information Broadcasting Secretary will present the report of the committee in 15 days with a private affidavit in the court by July 27.
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