Lakhimpur/ Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have a virtual dialogue with the tribes on Saturday. This has given hope of development to the people of Tharu tribe of Lakhimpur Kheri. More than 60 thousand Tharu population living in 41 villages of the district have got wings of hope due to the dialogue of the PM. A program is also being organized in Chandanchowki of Palia regarding this. The PM can also interact with the Tharu community of Kheri, for which preparations are complete.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have a virtual dialogue with the tribes from 3 pm to 4.30 pm. Although in this dialogue only the Prime Minister has to speak and everyone has to listen, but there is an option in the link through which the Prime Minister can talk to anyone. The Prime Minister will talk about sickle cell anaemia, a disease mainly prevalent among tribals.
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