Mumbai /Adipurush has been mired in controversies ever since its release. First there was a lot of uproar on social media regarding the BFX of the film and then the dialogue. The dialogues of Adipurush have been changed. Of course, as much as the hype about the film was, the film disappointed the fans at the same speed. Although Adipurush has so far collected Rs 348.90 crore at the worldwide box office, the film continues to witness a steady decline in its collections. This film is being said to be copied from Hollywood, so let's know which scenes of the film are copied from Hollywood-
The entry scene of Prabhas in Adipurush, in which he is seen sitting in a yoga pose under water, is being said to be copied from a Hollywood film. Exactly the same scene was also shot on Chris Hemsworth in the 2020 film Extraction.
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